
Monday, December 30, 2019

Comparison and Contrast Fahrenheit 451 - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 584 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/03/25 Category Literature Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Level High school Tags: Fahrenheit 451 Essay Ray Bradbury Essay Did you like this example? The novels Fahrenheit 451, The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury, and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut have a variety of similiarities and differences in their portrayals of futuristic societies. One way how Fahrenheit 451 is similar to The Pedestrian is that the main characters in both stories go through the feeling of loneliness and isolation in the society without anybody by your side. In Fahrenheit 451, Montag felt very lonely and isolated because he was unable to pursue a profession and a lifestyle he took pride in because he never received support from his wife. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Comparison and Contrast: Fahrenheit 451" essay for you Create order It wasn’t just Montag either, the society spent too much of its time inside isolated, and if you were somebody who refuses to uphold to the scheme of a â€Å"perfect† society like Montag, then you too, were alone in the society of Fahrenheit 451. In The Pedestrian, the main character (Leonard Maze) had nobody to accompany him or make feel more than what he did in that moment of time. He was always unhappy of continuously staying inside the darkness, so he went outside for a walk by himself every evening in order to make himself feel better. Fahrenheit 451 is also similar to â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† because both societies have technology set up in a form that people utilize that is not very healthy and well for them. In â€Å"Harrison Bergeron,† the government created devices that limited people from thinking what they didn’t want them to think and made them forget anything important they were thinking about so that everybody was on the same thinking level. This prevented people from becoming better than one another because they couldn’t think deeper and beyond others. In Fahrenheit 451, the television was used as a weapon of mass destruction against the people. The television which is also known as the parlor, makes it so that it reduces the human mind into a mush, with the regularity very similar to oatmeal. This piece of technology was bent towards keeping every individual’s mind distracted and away from intellctual activites by playing meaningless shows that continues to go on which keeps people from getting smart enough to think about why things are the way they are right now. The society has been totally consumed into nothing but the televisions and media, that they have disregarded their appreciation of nature and dosen’t bother to go out and explore the world beyond the stupid things their television and media provides for them all the time. All citizens in both societies have become established to spend all of their time indoors. The authors of Fahrenheit 451, The Pedestrian, and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† find a point and exaggerate it in order for the audience to be able to see the outcome of these socities if a change isn’t made. On the contrary, a multitude of differences can also be found throughout the novels of Fahrenheit 451, The Pedestrian, and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron.† A way how Fahrenheit 451 and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† differ is that in â€Å"Harrison Bergeron,† the government has a desire for everybody to be exactly the same in all aspects which includes. No one should be smarter than one another, and no one is supposed to look better than anyone(if so, they had to wear masks to hide it). The government in Fahrenheit 451 also wishes for everyone to be the same in all aspects. However, they do not purposely try to make them ugly or control their thinking so that they don’t think of something that they don’t want them to.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Seventh Amendment The Importance Of The Seventh...

The Seventh Amendment is truly a strong method to ensure that human rights are protected. Its importance might not be as obvious as that of the the First Amendment, with the three most known freedoms of religion, speech, and press, as well as freedom to assemble peacefully and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. However, this amendment helps to protect these freedoms, as without it power would be taken from the people and given unfairly to the government. Imagine you are taken to court based on a crime you were unfairly charged with. If the Seventh Amendment was not in place, you could be denied from the right to trial by jury. Instead, you would be tried before judges, who are government officials. Without the jury†¦show more content†¦One of the statements was about discrimination. It made me think about how oftentimes workers can sue their employers for discrimination and harassment issues, and that would be a civil case where the Seventh Amendment steps in. With a judge, the decision could be extremely biased, and the charged person might not even be said guilty. However, with the jury, a group built from peers, the decision could be much more organized and fair, as evidence would be taken into account and decisions would not be made solely based on one judge’s opinion. Even though the jury could also have strong political beliefs, it is more common for there to be a variety of beliefs that would not make the final decision be based on a wrong interpretation of the law. I saw students who stepped forward during Challenge Day and admitted to family members being discriminated against in the workplace, and I just hoped that at least one of these families was helped by trial by jury, an ensured right by the Seventh Amendment. When I was about seven years old, my mother, who was pregnant at the time, was involved in a car accident. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, but once again the importance of the Seventh Amendment was highlighted. When damages were determined and it was decided who was at fault, my mother was not proven guilty for any of the charges, and I feel like I have the jury to thank for that. Once again, if only a judge wasShow MoreRelatedThe Bill of Rights (a story drawn in strips): Political Cartoons1347 Words   |  6 Pagesof Rights is a formal statement from the United States Constitution that lists the first ten amendments. These amendments define the fundamental rights of U.S. citizens but many of the amendments are still debated about today making them perfect material for political cartoonists. These illustrations are very helpful in raising awareness on flaws in the more controversial amendments. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Course Project Free Essays

I have been In my current career field since approximately 1986. At that time, I was employed by a local county In Utah. The Job entailed helping juveniles who were being transitioned from their residential level of care to a higher level of care and vice versa. We will write a custom essay sample on Course Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now This was a standard government job that had a 9 to 5 work schedule with traditional benefits, I often think back to if I stayed there I would have retired by now. At the time, I was attending undergraduate school at the university of Utah. I had actually obtained this Job through the university. I continued to work in these types of low paying positions until my current move to Colorado Springs in 2002. The first job here was at an agency that was also a traditional type with traditional benefits and schedule. It did not pay too well and it was very demanding on me emotionally. After understanding how the agency was being paid by referral agency’s I got an idea. This idea was that could contract for the service from particular agencies and an independent contractor. I could underbid the other agencies as well as receive almost 3 times as much pay. However, this would not Include benefits or have Income taxes removed. After I discussed this with my wife I decided to pursue this type of employment. I had already established my reputation In the community as a successful counselor. My specialty was working with teenagers who were struggling Witt their parent’s and/or â€Å"at rise teenagers. I was able to obtain my in counseling as well. It seemed all was well for about 8 years. Problem Statement Masters degree In 2008, the economy went down and I lost a lot of my referrals as agency’s started to ND services to meet their overdrawn budgets. I lost our house and had to rent. A colleague and I decided to combine contracts with some referral agencies and began to collaborate. We created a private practice as well. This has been very successful until recently when I was informed that some referral agencies were beginning to scrutinize the referral process to reduce services and meet budget demands. Again, referrals were reduced dramatically. I am at a decision making point whether to remain in this type of business or seek employment as a traditional worker for a government agency. I am 48 years old now. I am considering a career change. I am at a point in my life where I am thinking about retirement and having a Job that will be stable financially and provide necessary medical benefits as I am getting older and my health is starting to deteriorate. What is the general nature of the problem? My decision problem is deciding whether to quit my current employment as a private practice therapist and take a Job that will include traditional hours and benefits that my current employment does not have while continuing to be a therapist. What event triggered the situation? I was informed by a money manager accountant that I may not be receiving payment for a large piece of my billing for a particular month of service I provided. The reason given was that the referral agency had not paid the money manager. Are we imposing any constraints on the situation? I would not be able to change my employment until I am hired by a â€Å"traditional† employer. The higher paying â€Å"stable† employers are located 50 miles away so I will have to move. What are the underlying elements of the problem? Financial stability – I would like to have an employer that can meet a stability acquirement of being a position that will not be likely to end due too budget cut. Benefits – I would like to be in a position with medical benefits, retirement, and profit sharing. Continue to provide therapy- I would like to continue to be a therapist as I enjoy my career and feel I can still provide healing. Ђ Having to move 50+ miles away. Changing a comfort zone of being independent-This will probably be the most difficult of this position change. I can make or change my schedule at a moments notice. This allows me to be available for my family. Involving my family in the verbal decision and the impact on them. I cannot make this change without confiding in my family as the outcome will have an impact on their lives as well. Are there dependencies on other decisions? I have an established rapport in this community and have gained a large referral base because to this. This will help me to obtain a position in my career titled have current clients who will not be receiving a continuation of my intervention. My clients have become used to my service which is unique to me. I have a great attachment to being an independent contractor with all of the self-sufficient privileges. Objectives Statement I would like to make a decision on the direction of my long term career. This should be self-fulfilling and satisfying in a position that satisfies my career goals and financial goals. This should allow for personal growth, financial growth and the ability to provide a therapeutic service to clients that promotes long term success in their specific therapeutic needs. I want to be in a position that will be working towards retirement. I also want a position that will also provide health benefits. Fundamental Objectives fundamental objectives are to obtain a position that will be stable financially and be bled to provide benefits for medical and retirement. My meaner objectives are objectives that will help me obtain my fundamental objectives. I will determine which options that I have and what my overall cost financially and for my overall career will Alternatives After researching what my objectives are and determining my meaner objectives, I have found that I have three alternatives: Remain at my current agency where I have no benefits but I have independence in my schedule and direction of therapeutic service I provide to my clients. I am my own boss and am responsible for he hours I need to meet my personal financial demands. I will be able to remain in my current location. I could move from within the city to a residence where there is more demand for my therapeutic service. My wife would not need to eventually change her Job if I stay with this position. Seek a position with a government agency where I can continue to be a therapist and provide a consistent intervention to meet client’s therapeutic needs. This will have medical benefits and a plan for retirement. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This session will require a movement approximately 50 miles away. I have a brother and sister who would be residing closer to me if I move. My wife could potentially keep her employment but transfer. She could potentially earn a position that would be better financially. She may have to change her current career if she cannot transfer. Seek a position with an agency that is not a government agency but I will need to cater the intervention to the specific clientele and adhere to the agency’s specific intervention.. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This position will provide medical benefits a retirement plan and potential for profit sharing. This would also require me to move approximately 50 miles away. I have decided that I would not like t compete with my current agency. This position will impact my wife similarly to the second alternative position. Selection As part of this process of selection I asked myself the following questions: Will I become bored with the position? I will be at this Job everyday and must come to the realization that I must be able to keep interested to avoid becoming bored. It the session one I will look forward to everyday? I currently enjoy my current Job. I feel at times at I TN t is not a Job but more to a rewarding elite to providing healing to others in need. ЂCan I see myself at this Job at a retirement age? I want to be able to visualize walking out the door with a great feeling rather than a feeling that is cynical. Am I taking this position because I have to or want to? I do not want to make a decision that If I don’t need to I won’t. I have made decisions in the past that I regretted because I should have been focused on other priorities. Descriptions of Alternatives- My change decision have three alternatives that I need to determine what I must decide. They involve the actual decision making process and consequence. Alternative A- I make no changes and stay in current role, current pay and benefits. This has some risk but less that the other alternatives because I am aware of what I currently have. Alternative B- I will work in my role until I have the capital to move slowly. This alternative adds practicality to my decision. I currently cannot afford to move. I have estimated that it would cost approximately $5000 to eve from my location to Denver which is where I would need to move. This has more risk that alternative A but less than alternative C. Alternative C- If I move now which entails more risk financially. I could obtain a better position. I could reside closer to family siblings. I could potentially earn a higher salary. I could earn benefits. This would also give me weekends off and be home after pm every day. Consequences I ranked the alternative according to the potential risks. Alternative A had the least risk ( appendix A). Then I scored the financial cost (5 points), the lowest potential rate of redo (2 points), looking forward everyday (2 points), potential for retirement (2 points) and is the position want or a need (2 points) (Appendix B). If I were to use the additional factors, I could conclude to choose Alternative B. I could do this and if the economy was to improve and there was not a need for change other than a want for retirement. I have also determined that I could also potentially increase my referral base and meeting my temperamental objective. Conclusion The theory of rational choice making assumes that the relative favorite between two options does not depend on the presence of other options (Taverns and Simonton 1993). I have made decisions in the past without using a rational tool or additional meaner that can help without using emotions that were impulsive. In other words, rational choices satisfy the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IA) assumption Luck 1959). There are times that we are driven by emotions to make a decision that will have a impact that can affect our lives but have irrelevant consequences especially if we deduce that a fundamental objective is not connected in a long term decision. I feel that both career and mental health counseling skills are necessary to assist with the emotions of fear, anxiety, depression and self-doubt, as well as with career formation change, decision making, and implementation of a career change (Niles ; Harris-Bowlines, 2009). Elf we do not address these areas specifically as well urine this process of making a choice such as mine there could be additional long term consequences. As I have stated in previous sections, I will remain at my current position. How to cite Course Project, Papers Course Project Free Essays Task 2: Evaluating Competitor’s Stock AirJet Best Parts, Inc. is concerned regarding recent changes in its stock prices for the company and would like to determine the stock prices for key competitors. Key competitors include Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and the Northrop Grumman Corporation. We will write a custom essay sample on Course Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. Using the dividend growth model and assuming a dividend growth rate of 5%, what is the rate of return for one of three key competitors? Use Yahoo Finance to obtain the latest dividend amount and price for one selected company. 15 pts) 2. Using the rate of return above, what should be the current share price of AirJet Best Parts, Inc. if the company maintains a constant 1% growth rate in dividends and the most recent dividend per share paid on the stock was $1. 50? Show your calculations. (10 pts) 3. Assume AirJet Best Parts has also a preferred stock issue. The most recent dividend per share paid on the stock was also $1. 50, the same as the common stock. Which one would you think has a higher price, the preferred stock or the current stock? Explain your rationale. (5 pts) 4. What would happen with the price you computed above if AirJet Best Parts, Inc. announces that dividends at the end of the year will increase? What if the required rate of return increases? What changes in dividends will affect the stock price and how? (10 pts) Task 3: Bond Evaluation AirJet Best Parts, Inc. would like to issue 20-year bonds to obtain remaining funds for the new Mexico plant. The company currently has 7. % semiannual coupon bonds in the market that sell for $1,062 and mature in 20 years. 1. What coupon rate should AirJet Best Parts set on its new bonds to sell them at par value? (10 pts) 2. What is the difference between the coupon rate and the YTM of bonds? (10 pts) 3. What factors will contribute to the riskiness of these bonds? Explain in detail your rationale. (20 pts) 4. What type of positive and negative covenants may AirJet Best Parts, Inc. use in future bond issues? (10 pts) How to cite Course Project, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication

Question: Write an essay on Integrated marketing communication. Answer: Integrated marketing communication or IMC plan is one of the most important aspects of the business that facilitates the organization to integrate its marketing, advertising, and promotional activities in an effective manner. It provides the process of communicating strategies and tactics. Moreover, it allows the organization to transmit business messages to other organization. With the involvement of developing integrated marketing communication (IMC), the senior management of the organization easily enhances its business opportunities in the global market (Yeshin 2012). In this context, the researcher has selected a consumer goods company named Ansell for developing IMC plan for a selected product. The researcher has chosen construction gloves product for developing the IMC plan. In this report, the researcher has discussed the communication objectives and creative strategies along with its media plan. The researcher has provided a brief discussion on the market potentiality of the particular product. Background information on product and organization: Ansell is an Australia company that manufactures medical gloves, protective gloves, and condoms. The organization was established as Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company of Australia Ltd in 1899. In 1929, the company merged with the Perdriau Rubber Company. The headquarter of the company is located in Melbourne, Australia. The revenue of the company is US$1.590 billion as of 2014. The net income of the company is US$206 million as of 2014. The CEO of the organization, Magnus Nicolin, has said that they have been trying to introduce a new range of products in order to enhance the business opportunity in the global market. Ansell has experienced several business solutions including medical solutions, industrial solutions, single-use solutions and sexual wellness solutions (Ansell.com. 2016). In this context, the researcher has selected the construction gloves for the particular research paper. The researcher will develop an IMC plan for promoting a newer version of the construction gloves in the market. The popularity of the products is quite high in the market. The researcher has selected the particular product, as the popularity of the product has been increasing within the construction industry. The product has a wide range of applications including demolition, handling sheet metal, woodwork, digging, general construction, steel work and sawing. In the newer version of the product, the organization will include extra durability to gloves so that the workers can employ the product for the long timeline. It provided the versatile protection for all types of tough jobs. The product is coated with Foam Nitrile and comes in various colors including black, gray and orange. Target audience: The particular product category of Ansell targets construction industry, as the workers need to be protected gloves to execute the construction work in an effective manner. Although the company has a wide range of gloves, the organization has categorized each product with its individual applications (hman and Sikblad 2012). Gloves provide versatile protection for all tough jobs. In the construction industry, the utilization of the particular product is very high. Moreover, engineers prefer this glove for executing daily tough jobs. Hence, the organization has divided the customer category into two sections including general customers and corporate customers. General customers facilitate to enhance the product promotion through the word of mouth (Shimp and Andrews 2013). On the other hand, corporate customers contribute in enhancing the sales volume of the business. In this context, the organization targets their audience based on several factors including cultural, demographic, and s ocial. Hence, it can be assessed that the prime focus of the company is to target workers of the construction industry in order to enhance the sales volume. However, the organization has been focusing on products durability, as it will facilitate them in engaging a huge number of customers in the market. Communication objectives: The prime objective of the communication is to gain the marketing managers approval regarding new version of product launching in the market (Belch et al. 2014). Ansell has huge customers base across the world. With the effective communication, Ansell has been its products knowledge in the global market. The CEO of the organization has agreed with the fact that the business communication includes several beneficial aspects such as generate awareness, compare products, enhance sales volume, managing brand equity and align employees. In this context, the researcher will be communicating with the several construction companies in orders to accumulate product feedback and current market statistics. Ansell will include extra product features based on the current market trends. The communication process will be executed in the both general and corporate level. Marketing officers will be able to enhance the process of new version product launch through effective communication with several industries (Percy 2014). In this context, the researcher has built communication objectives based on the research topic. To accumulate feedbacks from workers and staffs involved in the construction industry To generate the awareness of product among workers and staffs in the industry To compare products with another brand in order to develop the product in an effective manner To enhance the sales volume in an effective manner for expanding its business in the large demographic market Creative strategies: In this context, the marketing manager will involve several creative strategies for promoting a new version of the products in the market. Primarily, the marketing manager will arrange a survey process for collecting feedbacks from industry workers (Blakeman 2014). With the involvement of survey process, the marketing officers will be able to identify the key area of development. On the other hand, the marketing manager will include social media marketing ideas, urban marketing ideas, contest-marketing ideas, and marketing ideas for context promotion. Moreover, the marketing manager will engage five construction companies for sponsoring the new products to them. Consequently, it will facilitate the organization to enhance product promotion in an effective manner. On the other hand, the organization will reduce the price of the new product in order to enhance its promotion in both domestic and global market (Thorson and Moore 2013). The marketing manager will include 6 months timefram e for transmitting product knowledge of new gloves. Within this timeframe, the management team will accumulate product feedbacks in order to experience the growth opportunity in the market. Creative strategies facilitate the organization to promote the product in the large marketplace. Media plan: Media planning indicates the best media combination for promoting a range of products in the market. Media planning consists of several factors including the cost of media engagement, advertisement frequency, and the areas of telecasting. In this context, the marketing manager will involve the particular process in order to enhance the promotion of construction gloves. The marketing manager believes that the local media engagement will be the beneficial aspects of the product promotion in the market (Lusch and Vargo 2014). However, it will be a challenging task for the management to choose the proper medium for advertisement of the product. In this context, Ansell has strong business assets. Hence, it will facilitate the higher management to involve different promotional medium including televisions, printing media, and the online portal (Mihart 2012). The new version of the product development will be advertised in the large marketplace. Marketing manager of the organization believes the fact that the social media is one of the major platforms for promoting products knowledge in the large demographic areas. The media plan will be executed through a systematic process that includes market analysis, the establishment of media objectives, media strategy development, and implementation, and evaluation and follow-up. Through the engagement of following this process, the marketing managers will be able to choose appropriate Medias for promoting the new and improves construction gloves in the market. Budget: Budget is one of the major parts of the product development process in the business (Reinold and Tropp 2012). The budget development for new product consists of several phases including development, production, promotion, contingency budget and total budget. In this context, the budgeting will include manufacturing cost, promotional cost, warehousing cost, and distribution cost (Barger and Labrecque 2013). At the initial stage, the marketing manager will manufacture small units of products. In the beginning, 50 units of a product will be manufactured. The management team will be focused on the durability of the products. Moreover, the gloves will be modified as per the market feedbacks. The pricing of each unit will be $65. Manufacturing cost $1750 ($35/ unit) Warehouse cost $300 Packaging cost $250 Promotional cost $1000 Other cost $200 Total Budget $3500 With the involvement of following these stages, the marketing manager will be able to make a proper budget for the topic. The organization will distribute these products to the construction companies in order to collect new product feedbacks. The budget of the process may be increased due to the involvement of the enhanced promotional activities. Relevant legislation and ethics: The development process will include legislation and ethics in the process in order to uphold the proper work design in the business. In the product development process, the organization faces challenges for resource allocation. Legislation will be involved in the process in order to get rid of the business challenges (Barker 2013). The governments approach towards the ethical consideration will facilitate to uphold an enhanced work design in the business. On the other hand, the ethics are set in the business by the higher management. Ethical dilemma indeed affects the work culture in the business. The advertisement process also includes the ethical dilemmas including truth in advertisement, advertisement of harmful products and wrong advertising tactics (Schlinke and Crain 2013). In this context, the marketing manager will obey the legislation regarding product design, materials. The marketing manager needs to consider consumer law for executing the entire process in an appropriate way. Moreover, the organization follows several business legislations including product, liability regulation, environmental legislation, and the privacy laws (Shimp and Andrews 2013). The Australian consumer law is the national law for upholding the fair trading and consumer protection in the market (Percy 2014). Hence, it can be assessed that the regulation and legislation are the important part of the business to develop integrated market communication. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the integrated marketing communication is the gateway to obtaining success in the business. An integrated marketing plan consists of several processes including target audiences, communication objectives, strategically approaches, media plan, budgeting, and business related legislations. In this context, the researcher has identified each strategy of IMC in order to execute the process in an effective manner. The marketing manager has selected the product of Ansell. The product is construction gloves, and the researcher has focused on the development of the particular product. The researcher has selected this particular product, as the construction gloves are increasingly popular due to its durability. With the involvement of following this process, the researcher will be able to execute the development process in an effective manner. References: Ansell.com. (2016).Ansell Corporate. [online] Available at: https://www.ansell.com/en-US/About/Corporate/About.aspx [Accessed 30 May 2016]. Barger, V.A. and Labrecque, L., 2013. An integrated marketing communications perspective on social media metrics.International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, Spring. Barker, R., 2013. Strategic integrated communication: An alternative perspective of integrated marketing communication?.Communicatio,39(1), pp.102-121. Belch, G.E., Belch, M.A., Kerr, G.F. and Powell, I., 2014.Advertising: An integrated marketing communication perspective. McGraw-Hill Education. Blakeman, R., 2014.Integrated marketing communication: creative strategy from idea to implementation. Rowman Littlefield. Castronovo, C. and Huang, L., 2012. Social media in an alternative marketing communication model.Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness,6(1), p.117. Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L., 2014.The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions. Routledge. Mihart, C., 2012. Impact of integrated marketing communication on consumer behaviour: Effects on consumer decision-making process.International Journal of Marketing Studies,4(2), p.121. hman, F. and Sikblad, S., 2012 Integrated Marketing Communications. Percy, L., 2014.Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Reinold, T. and Tropp, J., 2012. Integrated marketing communications: How can we measure its effectiveness?.Journal of Marketing Communications,18(2), pp.113-132. Schlinke, J. and Crain, S., 2013. Social Media from an Integrated Marketing and Compliance Perspective.Journal of Financial Service Professionals,67(2). Shimp, T. and Andrews, J.C., 2013.Advertising promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Cengage Learning. Thorson, E. and Moore, J., 2013.Integrated communication: Synergy of persuasive voices. Psychology Press. Yeshin, T., 2012.Integrated marketing communications. Routledge.